Patent of Nativity Checklist

*** Important Note:

The Patent of Nativity document follows the Biblical example of genealogy, and uses only the forefathers (male) lineage. It does NOT use the females. (Matthew 1:1-17, Luke 3:23-38) Please keep this in mind when gathering your information. See our Samples page for sample documents.

The only female name(s) that you will use is your Mother’s name, (if
applicable,) and of course, your name, if you are a female. Again, when gathering and inputting the information, you only have to gather the forefathers / males  Names, Birth Year [B/Y] and Deceased Year [D/Y], (if applicable.) You do not use female names. You can have someone gather your information for you, or you can use any genealogy site that you choose to gather your lineage and genealogy information. See our Research page.

The following checklist helps you gather all of the necessary information so that you can easily compile the information.

[DOUBLE LINEAGE] - For Double Lineage orders, be sure to fill out the complete Checklist, every field must be filled out, and each field double checked for accuracy. This is very important. If you send us the wrong information and we print it and it is incorrect, then there will be a $20 're-design' fee to correct the error. If the error is on our behalf, then there is no extra charge or fees needed.

The Double Lineage should be filled as as follows: You, your father <AND> mother, grandfathers (on both sides), great grandfathers, great great grandfathers, great great great grandfathers, and so on up to 10 generations (or pre - 1776)on both your father’s side and also the same format on your mother’s side. These will be represented as G1 (Great Grandfather), G2 (Great Great Grandfather), G3 (Great Great Great Grandfather) and so forth.

[SINGLE LINEAGE] - For Single Lineage orders, fill out all information pertaining to you and the parent of choice's lineage. (ie Mother <or> Father's lineage only.) This is important. Be sure to fill out the appropriate fields and double check for accuracy. If you send us the wrong information and we print it and it is incorrect, then there will be a $20 're-design' fee to correct the error. If the error is on our behalf, then there is no extra charge or fees needed.

If you are using only a single parent, the same rule applies. You, your father <OR> mother, grandfathers, great grandfathers, great great grandfathers, great great great grandfathers, and so on up to 10 generations (or pre - 1776) on your father’s side and the same format on your mother’s side.

The checklist makes the process go much easier and quicker. Again, for both parents lineage, fill out ALL of the information on the Checklist and double check all fields before submitting it for your document. If you are using only a single parents lineage, fill out all of the information on the parent you will be using, and exclude the section on the parent that you are not using before submitting it for your document


* Make sure that you order our service BEFORE you send us your Checklist and Photo. Due to the service demand, we can only assist those who have purchased the service first. It keeps it fair for everyone involved.


The Patent of Nativity Checklist is divided into four sections;

SECTION 1 - Your Information

Add Your Information and Double check for any errors before proceeding to the next section.

SECTION 2 - Your Father's Lineage

Add your Father's Lineage information and Double check for any errors before proceeding to the next section.

SECTION 3 - Your Mother's Lineage

Add your Mother's Lineage information and Double check for any errors before proceeding to the next section.

SECTION 4 - Additional / Extra Information

Choose your document color and add your photo, where you want your document sent to (email) and any additional information and Double check for any errors before proceeding to the next section.


Patent of Nativity Checklist Online Form

*[G = Great] (G1 = Great Grandfather / G2 = Great Great Grandfather, etc.)

Include: Full Names, Birth Year [B/Y] and Deceased Year [D/Y] (If applicable)

Example: Joseph Michael Jones  1875 - 1942


Each field that ends with an asterisk (*) is a requried field to be filled in.

*Tip - If it is a 'Required field' and you want to leave it blank, just type in a hyphen (-) or an asterisk (*)

Step 1. Fill out the Checklist Form

Step 2. Upload your photo

Step 3. Purchase your package - Click Here

Optional! Don't have much time to use the Checklist on this page? Click the Download button below to download the printable pdf Patent of Nativity Checklist to use at your convenience.  Use it to gather information and then add it to the online Checklist form on this page then click the Submit form button.

Patent Of Nativity Checklist Form


When sending your photo, make sure that it is high quality, well lit and against a white or light colored wall or backdrop. (Passport style images work best for your document.) Also, make sure that it is a full head shot from chest up, and not a full body shot. See samples below.