Patent of Nativity Genealogist Team

Hire a Professional Genealogist

Click on the link below to find a professional genealogist.

Are you, or someone you know, a genealogist? Do you enjoy researching family history and lineage? Do you have experience in genealogical research? If so, then we are very interested in working with you. If you have experience and can provide a couple of samples, nothing fancy, just a text lineage or two of your work, then we'd be more than happy to bring you aboard. 

You stick to gathering information and getting the information to us. We take care of the design process, so you don't have to. We make your job easier. You collect the data and send it to us.


How does it work?

When you join our team, we will add you to our website as an official Patent of Nativity member. Anyone who visits our website and selects one of our 'Official' genealogist to do their family research, all we simply ask of you, the genealogist / researcher, is to recommend our services in return to your client. It's free advertising for you and we can work together.

Also, if you are an official Patent of Nativity Genealogist, your clients get a 20% discount when they use our services.  In return, we will pay you 10% for every client referral who purchases our Patent of Nativity document design services. We handle the document designs and 'cosmetics.' That's our job, it's what we do. It's a win - win  plus!!! And that's what it's all about. So don't hesitate, contact us today for more information. We will be happy to assist you with any questions you may have about our services.

Everything is done online, you never have to leave the comfort of your own home. Be sure to check out the rest of our website and become a team member today. No fees, just networking. We look forward to working with you and are excited about connecting with some great people to create with. 

Contact us today for more information.

Are you, or someone you know a State National specific genealogist? Send us your contact information and we will be glad to add you here, and would appreciate any referrals as well. We enjoy networking. Thank you.