Patent of Nativity for State Nationals

"Kings and Queens are Superior and everything they do should reflect this quality!"

The New Superior Patent of Nativity is here! Get Yours Today!

Looking to change your status? The process is very simple and straight forward. There are many people out there who are willing to help you with this process. I've been a part of this movement for about 15 years now, and watched a lot of people 'come and go'... and some even end up in prison. You definitely want to make sure that you get with the right team to help guide you to the finish line. Out of all of the people that I've worked with, studied with and attended their meetings and workshops, I would recommend David Lester Straight. Also, Bobby Lawrence is very knowledgeable as well.

There are a few more out there, but we will stay where we're at for now as far as references go. There are tons of David Straight videos on YouTube and that would be a great place to start your education. (See the recommended videos below.) Now, keep in mind that this is not an overnight thing to accomplish, but it can be done. It takes a lot of time, a lot of work, a lot of studying and a lot of research and persistence. There are also several websites out there that are helping people with there status paperwork. We recommend the State National website to get all of your documentation.

When you start your initial paperwork, it will consist of the following documents that you must fill out, sign and get notarized and then record them on the public record. One of the documents in the process that is very powerful is your Patent of Nativity. It proves that your ancestral lineage was on American soil before the government was formed, or more specifically, before the year 1776. If you can trace your family history back to pre-1776, then you have a very powerful document in your arsenal. Patent of Nativity documents are what we specialize in, and we are the leaders in the industry.

So, when you are ready to do your Patent of Nativity, feel free to contact to learn how to get a beautiful, professional Patent of Nativity document designed just for you. One can also do a 'Declaration of Status' if they choose to do so, however, it is not as powerful as a Patent of Nativity, but will still get the job done. Here are the documents that you'll need for the first phase of becoming a State National:


Affidavit of Repudiation

Deed of Re-Conveyance

Patent of Nativity or Declaration of Status

Proof of Service

Judgment of Un-Rebutted Affidavit


Recording Cover Sheet



You can get all of the documents at the State National website, and can get information about David Straight and his events at the Straight Events website. (See links below.)


State National website


David Straight - 'Straight Events" website



David Lester Straight Telegram link -

Bobby Lawrence Telegram link -

Recommended David Straight Videos to Get You Started.

Seminar Video 1 of 5

Seminar Video 2 of 5

Seminar Video 3 of 5

Seminar Video 4 of 5

Seminar Video 5 of 5