Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

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What is a Patent of Nativity?

A Patent of Nativity is a document that proves you and your family have been living on American soil before 1776. 

What is a Superior Patent of Nativity?

Most Patent of Nativity documents are simply plain text over a faded image thrown together by someone using a text or word document. (See the sample on the State Nationals page of this website.) Our Superior Patent of Nativity is a professional, beautifully designed document that you can be proud of to show others, give to family members, hang on your wall or office, use for your status process and more. It contains many elements that truly make your Patent of Nativity 'Superior' to others. Why settle for anything when you can have the best? We are professionals and we treat our work in the same manner, giving you more than the competition, and for a fraction of the price. Remember, "Kings and Queens are Superior and everything they do should reflect this quality!"

What is a Patent of Nativity used for?

A Patent of Nativity is used as evidential proof that your ancestors were living on American soil before the government was created. Your ancestral line is a direct lineage starting with you, then your parents, grandfathers, great grandfathers, great great grandfathers, etc. We only use your forefathers information in the Patent of Nativity document. The document is used in your status process when becoming a State National. It can also be used as a gift, or a beautiful family history wall decor.

What services do you offer?

We offer professional, beautifully designed Patent of Nativity Documents designed for you and your family. These documents can be used as gifts, wall decor, state national status documents and more. We offer both Single Parent Lineage documents and Double Lineage documents (both parents.) We offer six different color themes including, blue, cyan, gold, gray, green and purple. Each document also comes with a unique Patent of Nativity document number specifically created for each document. We no longer offer the QR code on our documents.

Do you gather the genealogy information for the Patent of Nativity document?

No, we do not "gather" or "collect" any information for you. You must gather the necessary information needed by using the Patent of Nativity Checklist by going online to family genealogy websites to gather your family history information, or have someone like a genealogist gather the information for you. (See our Genealogist page.) Once you gather the information, simply send it to us and then we will do the rest. Use the Patent of Nativity Checklist to gather the information and then send it to us to design your document. Watch the Patent of Nativity Checklist video on the Checklist page of our website for more information.

You may already have your information collected and possibly even already recorded on public record. You can add that information to the Checklist and send it to us and we will design your Patent of Nativity Document for you based on the information in the Checklist, no worries.

Use the Checklist! Fill it out and send it along with your payment and a current photo and we will design your Patent of Nativity Document for you, and then send you the completed document to your email of choice.

Who can I get to do my research for me if I can't do it?

What you are looking for is someone called a 'genealogist', which is a person who researches genealogy and traces or studies lines of family descent. Services and pricing varies. We have genealogist contacts here on our website. Click the Research link or the Genealogists link and Scroll down to the section titled "Hire a Professional Genealogist" to find the perfect person for your research.

What is the Patent of Nativity Checklist?

The Patent of Nativity Checklist is simply a checklist to help guide you through the proper required elements needed for your Patent of Nativity document. It makes your life so much easier and quicker because you gather only the necessary information needed for your Patent of Nativity document, which saves you time and energy. Again, you only need to collect the 'forefather's' information, that's all. This makes it easier and quicker to get your Checklist completed, and in turn, you get your document completed sooner.

Why do we only use our forefathers in the Patent of Nativity document?

The Patent of Nativity document follows the Biblical example of genealogy, and uses only the forefathers (male) lineage of the parent(s) and not the females. (Matthew 1:1-17, Luke 3:23-38) Please keep this in mind when gathering your information. This is why the Patent of Nativity Checklist is so useful. See our Samples page.

What is the best way to trace my lineage?

Simply go to any of the genealogy, family history research sites and gather your family's history information. Since it's you doing the work, you can rely on it's accuracy. However, it does take some time to gather all of the necessary information. To save time, you only have to collect your forefather's names, births and deaths, if available. This will save time and energy, especially if you use the Patent of Nativity Checklist. There are free and paid services available. Make sure that you do your due diligence when it comes to research, because there is always the possibility for error in the data, and you may be putting the wrong information into your family history when researching and gathering data.

An alternative is to get a genealogist to collect the information for you. Simply download and send them the Patent of Nativity Checklist and let them fill out the necessary fields and send the checklist back to you. Once you get the Checklist filled out, simply send it to us and we will take care of the rest. You can find genealogist on our Research page.

Visit our Research page for more information.

What all do I get with my purchase?

When you order our services, you get a professional, beautifully designed personal Patent of Nativity Document to cherish forever. A beautiful document that you will be proud to show off as a wall display and conversation piece, or perhaps you want to give the 'perfect' gift to a loved one. Many people who are looking into changing their status from U.S. citizens to State Nationals are using the Patent of Nativity document as part of their status documents. Whatever you choose, you will be getting a beautifully designed Patent of Nativity document that contains your heritage, family lineage, and a custom unique document number specifically created for your document, and you get to choose from an assortment of color themes that you want your document to be designed in. You also get a Thank You letter from the CEO of the Patent of Nativity Document design company that contains your personal document number and the date in which your Patent of Nativity document was created. A beautiful souvenir package for beautiful souls like yourself.

How long does it take to design my Patent of Nativity document?

Once payment is received and your Checklist is completed and sent to us along with your current photo, it typically takes 2 - 3 business days to get your document designed, finished and sent to you in your email. In most cases, there is a 24 - 48 hour turnaround, depending on how many documents that are currently being designed. Again, all of this is contingent on us having everything we need to complete the order, including payment, the completed Checklist and your photo. Once you get the document in your email, you can save it and then print it.

What do I do once my document has been printed?

You must get two Witnesses to sign the document using red ink, you sign it in purple ink, then add your thumbprint using a red ink stamp pad. See our samples on this website. Once it has been witnessed, signed and stamped with your signature / autograph and thumbprint, you will record it on the public record with the rest of your status documents. You can also use the Patent of Nativity document as a gift for family members, and you can even hang it on the wall. It makes a beautiful wall decor.

Why do the two Witnesses sign in red, and can I sign in red instead of purple?

Red signifies blood, which, in turn represents living, breathing souls. Yes, you can sign in red, if you choose to do so, however, purple represents royalty and you are a king or queen created in the image of the Most High, taking dominion over your status and standing. We recommend Witnesses signing in red, and you signing in purple. Just don't use black or blue ink for any signatures or autographs. Also, as mentioned earlier, use a 'red' ink stamp pad for your 'thumbprint seal.' Some people have even claimed to use saliva, or hair strands for DNA reasons, but that's not necessary because your thumbprint is like a snowflake, no two prints are alike in the whole world. Yours is strictly unique to you and you only. A thumbprint, along with two witnesses and a current photo is more than enough for your Patent of Nativity document. Even if the Witnesses have recorded their own documents and are Kings and Queens of their own domain, they still sign in red on your document as your Witnesses. You, the main document applicant, the name at the top of the document, and who the document is designed for, should sign in purple ink.

Do the two Witnesses have to be State Nationals to sign my document?

No, they just have to Witness that you are a living, breathing soul. You can use State Nationals, if you choose, or it can be a friend or family member, as long as they Witness the document.

Do I need to sign my name using 'Parse Syntax' on my document?

You can, if you choose to do so, however, the Patent of Nativity is used during the initial paperwork of becoming a State National, therefore, it is not necessary at this phase of the process. You can if you want to, but it's not a requirement.